Team Building should never be boring. In fact, since it is a way to bond with your team – your people – you have to make sure that you provide them with activities that make them curious and engaged, allow them to build rapport as a team, and experience new adventures together. For this, here are some fun team building activities you can try.

1. Group Juggle

Two groups would throw juggling balls towards each other, and as the game progresses, more balls would be added. Therefore, the pressure would increase, which means that they have to learn how to work well togethera good chance to develop a teams camaraderie and workmanship, especially when there are a few new members.

2. The Human Knot

Heres another one of those fun team building activities for work! Basically, the group should have their hands intertwined so they can easily form a knot, and they should then be able to untangle themselves without breaking the chain of hands that they have mademaking sure that cooperation is strong among the team members.

3. The Birthday Line-up

Members of each team would have to form a line where members stand side by side, and they should do this by the order of their birthdays (just the month and day), but the catch is that none of them should talk! Surely, that twist makes the game one of the cool and fun team building activities for your team.

4. Flexibility Test

Often known as the awareness of reflexive tendencies test, this one would definitely check your teams flexibility. There would be a stress test and the team would have to figure their way out of it.

5. Make Bikes for Those in Need

This is another one of those fun team building activities that has a deeper meaning behind it, where you can coach a kid while building or repairing bikes. Its a way of showing that broken things can actually be fixed, and that people can be anything they want to be in life.

6. Egg Drop

This may seem like a messy activity, because teams would try to drop egg packages and would also try to catch them using plastic, bottles, clothes and the like. Nonetheless, its fun, a good test of patience, and helps participants realize that with presence of mind, things could easily be done!

7. Have a Fun Board Meeting

Get colored pens, colored papers, some toys, and backpacks out, and make way for a board meeting reminiscent of what youve done in middle or high school. You will see, you will not only learn something new, you and your team will have fun with it, too!

8. Lego Man

Who doesnt like playing with Legos? You have to divide the group into teams, and then each of them would look like a sculpture or a model, and they should then be able to relay to their team what the sculpture represents so a Lego model could be built from it. The closest model to the original one wins. No doubt, this is one of the most fun team building activities for your office!

9. Fly in the Glass

Basically, a wine glass has to be created with the use of sticks, but with a fly inside. The challenge is that both teams should try to recreate the glassminus the fly inside, by moving two sticks at a time. Its tricky, but your employees will have fun with itand improve their concentration in the process!

10. Photo Finish

For this one, the team should be able to cross a line exactly at the same time, and if one person is out of sync, theyd have to restartso its a good test of patience of how theyd work together as a team.

11. Build Prosthetic Hands

Allow others who have lost their arms to experience what it is to have onesimply by building prosthetic hands. Its a great way to practice coordinationand a way to give back to the society. Learn more in this video:

12. Win, Lose, Draw

This is where teams would take turns drawing what they see on a list given to them, and the team who guesses the most correct answers will win!

13. The Mine Field

For this one, pairs are made to stand in an open space where mines such as balls, cones, or bottles are scattered all over. One of the members of the pair would be blindfolded as the other one guides him through ita good test of partnership!

14. Poker Tower

Give your teams some poker cards, and allow them to create the tallest poker towers possible. The team with the tallest tower wins!

15. Build Playhouses

Finally, go ahead and build amazing playhouses for kids. Put a smile on their facesyou never know how much this would mean to them.
Have a great time with these fun and worthwhile team building activities. For more ideas, dont forget to visit!


Venture Team Building Group Juggle David Priestly, November 13, 2014

Venture Team Building Birthday Line-up David Priestly, November 1, 2014

Venture Team Building Human Knot David Priestly, November 1, 2014

Odyssey Teaming Event Odyssey Teams (n.d.) retrieved July 17, 2016

Odyssey Teaming Programs Odyssey Teams (n.d.) retrieved July 17. 2016

Odyssey Teaming Programs Odyssey Teams (n.d.) retrieved July 17, 2016

Odyssey Teaming Programs Odyssey Teams (n.d.) retrieved July 17, 2016

Odyssey Teaming Event Odyssey Teams (n.d.) retrieved July 17, 2016

Vorkspace Team Building Activities Wendy Soon, March 13, 2014

Vorkspace Team Building Fly in the Glass David Priestly, September 15, 2015

Venture Team Building Photo Finish David Priestly, November 12, 2014